Physical Characteristics

Common koi, also known as Nishikigoi, typically exhibit solid colors such as white, black, red, or yellow, with simple patterns like Kohaku (white body with red markings) or Showa (black body with red and white markings). Fancy koi, on the other hand, boast elaborate patterns and color combinations, including metallic sheens and iridescent scales, found in varieties like Butterfly, Ginrin, and Doitsu.

Body Conformation

Common koi tend to have a standard body shape with a streamlined profile and evenly distributed fins. In contrast, fancy koi may display variations in body conformation, including elongated fins, distinctive body shapes, and unique physical features such as long, flowing tails or prominent head growths known as nuchal humps.

Price and Rarity

Common koi are readily available and generally more affordable compared to fancy koi, which are selectively bred for specific traits and patterns. Fancy koi varieties often command higher prices due to their rarity, unique markings, and desirable characteristics sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

Races populaires de poissons Koi communs


Kohaku est un poisson Koi blanc avec des taches rouges sur le corps. C’est l’une des variétés de poissons Koi les plus basiques et les plus populaires.


Sanke, également connu sous le nom de Taisho Sanke, est un poisson Koi à base blanche avec des taches rouges et noires. Sanke a une belle forme et est un choix populaire dans les étangs à poissons domestiques.


Showa est un poisson Koi à base noire avec des taches rouges et blanches. Il s’agit d’une race de poisson Koi intéressante et populaire en raison de son fort contraste entre les couleurs.

Breeding and Selection

Typically, breeders select common koi for their hardiness and adaptability, rendering them suitable for outdoor pond environments. Fancy koi, however, require careful breeding and selection processes to maintain and enhance their distinct traits and patterns, often involving meticulous genetic pairing and controlled breeding programs.

Aesthetic Appeal

While both common and fancy koi possess inherent beauty, fancy koi varieties often captivate viewers with their striking colors, intricate patterns, and ornamental features. Their visual appeal adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to koi ponds, gardens, and water features, making them prized specimens among koi enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.

By understanding the differences between common and fancy koi varieties, enthusiasts can make informed decisions when selecting and appreciating these captivating fish for their aesthetic qualities and unique characteristics.

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